i'm waiting you in the cold

Friday, October 31, 2008

Do quiz from Andrew.

1. Who pass/tag you this ?

2. How did you know him/her ?

3. Do you have a crush on him/her ?

4. Who is your crush ?

5. Are you lame ?
Yea ! but you're more ! :D

Pass this quiz to 20 People
1. Andrew
2. Darren
3. vivian
4. Tracy
5. Flora
6. Jia Le
7. Yu siew
8. Loren
9. Anges
11. Shi jie
12. julian
13. kheng lee
14. Natalie
15. Jia yi
16. Konan
17. yuan ling
18. sih jia yi
19. Jadeyu
20. techkwee

6. Do you love 18? [sih jia yi]
Lols kinda

7. Does 7 and 8 gets along well? [YuSiew & Loren]
They don't even know each other !

8. What do you think of 3 [Vivian]
she is best , whenever i am in need she is the one who always be right there !

9. If 1 and 11 propose to you , what will you do ? [Andrew&Shi jie]
no more choice ! because i am already attached to andrew :x

10. Is 16 wear bra? [konan]
Nope . hahas

11. Is 20 one of the sexiest? [techkwee]
NO !!!

12. Have you slept with 13? [kheng lee]
NO ! hahahs

13. Is 5 your ex? [flora]
she is my nuer...

14. Will 2 woo 19? [Darren & jadeyu]
don't know..

15. Do you hate 6? [Jiale]
No ! i love her !

16. What is the most memorable thing 12 has done for you? [Julian]

17. What if 17 left you and went with 4? [yuan ling & tracy ]
LOL ! its impossibility !

18. When is the last time you've seen 14? [Natalie]
Never meet before.

19. What is the surname of 15? [Jia Yi]
MOK JIA YI ! hahaa :D

20. Do you like 9's Singing? [Anges]
no .... yucks ! =x

i love andrew ~


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