i'm waiting you in the cold

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

There is nothing better
Than an autumn breeze
To liven that brisk cold air that
Lingers in the late afternoon
Of a beautiful day;
A day in which I'll never forget
When you led me to the woods
Beyond the giant pond;
The trees ahead opening up
To make for us a clearing to enter.
And with the warm sun at our backs
We accepted the invitation
And walked through this door of life,
The birds and squirrels
Making way for us.
And in those woods we crept
Through crunching leaves that timidly
Broke the silence.
I found a little space
Where leaves covered the ground
And moss grew quietly.
There we sat
And spoke of things that mattered--
Not just words to fill the silence.
Ordinarily I hated silence
But this day I treasured it.
After a few awkward minutes of hearing
Only the wind through the trees,
You took my hand--
And I smiled as your fingers
Danced with mine.
And then you kissed me
And I took it willingly,
As my heart raced with joy.
I gazed into your welcoming eyes,
Never wanting to look away.
And there we kissed, as the
Breeze blew and the sun disappeared.
Love knows no boundaries
And this counts especially for time.
The hours passed without care,
And so did my worries for all else.
I displayed the delicate bouquet of
Leaves that I intertwined with
Great care, as a tribute to our bond
That made me feel whole.
I touched your face and was pleased with its softness.
You asked me what I was thinking about
And I was shy and hesitant in my response.
I finally surrendered honestly to my pride, replying
With "how I could stay here forever."
You smiled, and my heart melted with ease.
We sat there, embraced in warmth until
Darkness emerged, reminding us that
Time passes even while standing still.
And so we rose to leave this world,
Which I insisted must be a dream.
I wished to bottle this magic
So as to hold and cherish it forever.
We stood finally, attempting to depart
From this wooded splendor.
We made our way, hand in hand, out from
Beneath the trees that so kindly
Sheltered our innocence
And back into the busy world of reality
That inevitably awaited our return.
Now conscious of our surroundings:
A society too often blind of any other forms of love--
I desperately stole one last kiss.
My heart continued to beam with this
New energy... this new light...
That failed not to glow.
And I thought how, at this very moment,
My life as I knew it could perish
And crumble beneath my feet...
And I will have died
Fulfilled and complete.

lovemeandneverletgo ;


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